Family is important around the globe

International Day of Families – May 15

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

No family is perfect, but this day encourages us to appreciate them.

No matter where you’re from, family is always there, whether it be distant relatives, parents, siblings, cousins, and maybe even friends that you consider family.
Despite the closeness designed in families, whether physically or emotionally, there are often issues that pull families apart, or issues that are brought to our attention, but there is a day to resolve or forgive those issues.
May 15 is the International Day of Families and it provides opportunities to promote awareness for issues within individual families and the entire structure of families worldwide. Recognizing family struggles in emotional, social, economic, and demographic issues, International Day of Families encourages us to help other people and families who are committed to fixing these problems.
This day promotes coming together and working on plans and decisions. To honor this day, you can show appreciation for your own family, especially as the COVID restrictions are letting up, and communicate more. You can suggest similar behavior with your friends and watch the healing begin locally.
No matter what, the importance of family is the focus of this day, and using it as a springboard for success will help people around you develop healthy and well-balanced families.