Drama Club’s February Update

Drama Club's February Update

We will host Improv Hour in T-2 from 3-4pm on two Fridays, February 3rd and 17th.

All students, and even faculty, are welcome.  You can join us and build on your improv skills, or watch and be entertained.  We always need an audience.

This year’s spring musical produced my Armijo Theatre Productions is Lucky Stiff.  Auditions for Lucky Stiff will be on February 16th, from 3-5pm in T-2.  An informational meeting will be held for anyone interested from 3-3:30 on Thursday, February 9.

Ms. Hobbs, the music director will be available for song practice on Tuesday February 14th from 3-5 in AC-1.

Faculty members who are interested in playing pretend and collaborating, we are hoping to host a student vs. staff improv show during teacher appreciation week in March. 

We would hold two hour long rehearsals after school the week before and the show would be a few hours after school during teacher appreciation week. 

Please email [email protected] if you are interested.