Find your personal muse

National Creativity Day – May 30

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

What experience is within you?

Is there a spark in your life that keeps you going? “Whether you are an artist, writer, musician, filmmaker, blogger, photographer, graphic artist, or any of 100 other creative personalities, the world is going to celebrate you and your creative pursuit,” says National Day Calendar (

On May 30, you can celebrate National Creativity Day and find the creativeness inside of you!

As explained by National Day Calendar, “Hal Croasmun and ScreenwritingU founded National Creativity Day in 2018 to celebrate the imaginative spirits everywhere and to encourage them to keep creating.” There are many creative things you can do and

Thought Catalog ( provides an entire list of ideas!

  • You can make music playlists to listen to for every mood and scenario. Maybe even blast your playlists and dance your heart out around your room.
  • You can write a letter to your future self, either with an online website or by making a time capsule to dig up in the future.
  • You can find those old white t-shirts that you no longer wear, and renew them with bright colors with tie-dyeing.

This day can also be celebrated with your friends and family, allowing you to bond over fun activities while you individually express your creativity.

Whatever you choose to do, make sure to share the fun online with #NationalCreativityDay.