Four days off and almost done

National Road Trip Day – May 28

Photo by Santiago Cartagena on Unsplash

Get away for a few days, and make them count.

School’s out for four days, but summer isn’t quite here yet. May 28 is National Road Trip Day, celebrating the Friday before Memorial Day. Traffic will be heavy on almost every freeway with people in cars, RVs and trailers because they are about to celebrate the first long holiday of the season.

National Road Trip Day serves as the official kickoff of the summer road trip season, even though the start of summer is still more than three weeks away. Millions of Americans will hit the road over the long weekend, visiting friends and family while paying tribute to our American heroes.

On this day people often drive about an hour or more to celebrate their freedom from work and school. According to Pilot Flying, 52% of people are more likely to take an outdoor trip this year, in light of the pandemic. People are really eager to get out of the house nowadays, and National Road Trip Day gives people a reason.

Maybe it’s a drive up to Reno for a little camping, or some time in an RV by the beach. Whatever your destination, this is the last opportunity you will have to get away before school ends in less than two weeks. Take advantage of the break before you get overwhelmed by June.