Pennies, like luck, add up over time
National Lucky Penny Day – May 23
Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash
Collecting pennies makes cents.
Pennies can be your good luck! When you see a penny on the floor that is heads up, it means good luck and you are expected to pick it up. In many cultures, it is like a sign of good fortune. Some believe that if a penny is tail-side up, it is unlucky, but the luck can be changed for others if you flip it and leave it for someone else to find.
Every year, on May 23, this is encouraged even more on National Lucky Penny Day.
A penny is a one-cent coin that is from the US that is a unit currency. The first copper pennies widely in circulation in the United States were minted in 1793 (, but in 1787, Benjamin Franklin had designed and shared a coin known as the “Fugio “ cent, or the Franklin penny (Wikipedia) .
While many people do not carry pennies around, feeling that their small size and value are worthless, it is actually a coin that helps keep high prices in check. If everything was rounded up to a five or ten cent increment, over time there would be issues of unbalance in budgets around the globe.
A way to observe National Lucky Penny Day is by looking for as many pennies as you can see and pick them up, but on the other side, you might prefer to leave pennies on the ground and allow others to be “lucky“ enough to pick it up.

Chloe Villagracia attends Armijo High School, where she currently works as a staff writer for the news website known as “The Armijo Signal”. Although...