Hail the men and women of the seas!

National Maritime Day – May 22

Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash

The maritime industry has shaped our nation.

National Maritime Day celebrates when the maritime industry started in the United States. It is celebrated annually on May 22.

The maritime industry includes America’s merchant marines, the ships that provide us with protection as well as various goods and services, and other seafarers. The word maritime basically means anything that relates to the sea in a military or seafaring way.

National Day Calendar states that the U.S. made National Maritime Day a time to be recognized because the maritime industry has had a huge impact on U.S. history, specifically in the beginning when the U.S. was still in colonies. During that time, most goods were transported through the maritime industry. They also state that, “in 1933, Congress declared National Maritime Day to commemorate the American steamship Savannah’s voyage from the United States to England, marking the first successful crossing of the Atlantic Ocean with steam propulsion.” The maritime industry also made a great impact in aiding the Allies in World War II.

“Every year the official observance begins with the memorial service in Washington, D.C. Military Sealift Command gives solemn monologue and after a minute of silence tosses a memorial wreath into Anacostia River in honor of perished sailors.” (National Maritime Day)

You can celebrate by learning more about the maritime industry and its history, spreading knowledge about maritime history, and posting about it on social media to inform others about this holiday.