Retro creatures inspire new generation

National Sea Monkey Day – May 16


This ad lured many children in the ’60s and ’70s to send their money into the address on the comic book cover.

May 16 is the day to celebrate National Sea Monkey Day, but you may not be familiar with what these creatures are, so here’s a mini-lesson so you’ll have a reason to celebrate.

Sea Monkeys are basically teeny tiny shrimp. They are known as brine shrimp that have a monkey tail shape. Harold von Braunhut made the creatures popular. In the ‘60s and ‘70s the little shrimp were very normal to have as a “pet”. Maybe ask your family members if they remember their little shrimpy.

According to, they’re known as Artemia NYOS (New York Ocean Science) and go through hibernation when they are dried out. Then, with the right mixture of water and nutrients they can spring right back into life! Children would order these dried-up creatures from the backs of comic books and be amazed as they were resurrected at home.

How can you celebrate National Sea Monkey Day? Well, you can still buy them online at  and, according to Google, they are also available in stores like Walmart and Hobby Lobby. Pick up a kit and you can experience the process of watching them hatch.

Visit to learn more about the creatures and to understand why National Sea Monkey Day is worth celebrating.