One song with a strong lesson

CD Single – Your Best American Girl

A message about being yourself for yourself is worth learning.


A message about being yourself for yourself is worth learning.

Mitski Miyawaki is a Japanese-American singer-songwriter who has made multiple songs! My personal favorite and star of this article is Your Best American Girl from the Puberty 2 album. Your Best American Girl is a classic love story, but with an angsty twist as Miyawaki wrote about falling in love with an all-American boy.

She hopes that even with their different upbringings he would still love her as she’s so desperate to be loved. In the song, you learn that she is willing to forget her identity for him. Because she was raised in a Japanese household, their backgrounds are different, and she is tempted to conform to become an “all-American girl” in an attempt to please him.

The singer realizes that she must let him go of him to keep her own identity and to let him be happy. When she does, she begins to accept and embrace herself rather than the person she thought she wanted to be for him.

This song genuinely connects with those who are having cultural identity issues, whether from moving here recently or just being from mixed backgrounds and feeling like they have to choose sides. Your Best American Girl teaches that you don’t need to change who you are for someone you think you love, it is better to stay true to your roots, to stand and be proud of what you are.

It is better to let go of whatever is making you question yourself. This song is a great song and has a nice and slow tempo. The lyrics tell a story if you listen to it enough and can bring tears to your eyes