Do what you can to prevent disaster

National Wildfire Awareness Month – May

Photo by Malachi Brooks on Unsplash

Wildfires affect regions around the country.

Smokey the Bear told generations that “only you can prevent forest fires,” but we often do not understand the meaning of that phrase. With over 90% of wildfires worldwide caused by human activity, we play a huge role in one of the leading causes of deforestation.

In May, we try to highlight the devastation which wildfires bring and the ways to prevent those fires. National Wildfire Awareness Month highlights conservation centers, emergency shelters, and the like. These locations put their best foot forward when it comes to preventing and minimizing losses from wildfires.

What is the real damage to the wildfires caused by humans? The first notable quality is the damage to structures and buildings, with the average wildfire racking up over $1 billion in damages in the state of California alone. Also consider the unfortunate 3 billion+ dogs, cats, horses, and other wildlife being displaced or killed by those fires.

Websites such as share awareness about months in advance of the season in an attempt to stop these disastrous wildfires. We have seen mascots, fairs, or even contests to help people become more used to fire awareness and its prevention. But how can YOU prevent wildfires?

It’s simple. The most common cause of manmade wildfires is flammable objects; embers from a campfire or a poorly disposed of cigarette can spark and quickly escalate. We can make sure to keep an eye out for hazards like these.

Another common cause of wildfires locally is the presence of excessive wild and dead brush. This material provides prime spots for uncontainable fires. With the dry climate in California, we are more prone to annual wildfires. This is why it is so much important for us to be vigilant in our prevention of them.

Be aware and encourage others to do the same during National Wildfire Awareness Month. With these tips in mind, we can work together to put a stop to man-made wildfires.