Brush, floss and focus in May

National Dental Care Month – May

Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

The basic necessities for a healthy mouth.

National Dental Care Month “takes time to remind us of the importance of caring for our pearly whites,” says National Day Calendar. “Thaddeus P. Hyatt promoted preventative dental care in the early 1900s.”

The website goes on to say May was deemed National Dental Care Month by “Dr. Tim Stirneman and Jim Wojdyla from Compassionate Dentalcare [in Illinois]… to encourage healthy dental hygiene and improve awareness concerning preventative dental care. Stopping cavities before they begin prevents a lot of pain and expense in the future.”

Dental care should be a focus for people throughout their lifetime. There are things that everyone knows, or have been told, on how to care for our dental health:

  • Brush twice a day
  • Floss
  • Keep sugary snacks to a minimum
  • See your dentist twice a year.

“A healthy smile requires continued healthy habits. Maintaining those habits reduce not only the risks of cavities and infection but the costs associated with long-term dental repairs. If it’s been awhile since your last visit, understand that dentists today appreciate your fears. They will do everything they can to alleviate your anxiety and get your smile back on track,” National Day Calendar encourages.