Make this day count for something

National Eat What You Want Day – May 11

Image by THAM YUAN YUAN from Pixabay

Give into your cravings just this one time.

Sometimes we feel guilty for simply enjoying our favorite snack, like a bag of hot chips, or some Granny Smith cookies? Don’t let something as small as guilt or shame embarrass you for doing something instinctive in our everyday lives. Break away from the stress of health and dieting and binge on all your favorite foods with National Eat What You Want Day on May 11.

This day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy to remind people it’s okay to indulge in the things that make them feel comfortable and safe, at home or anywhere. For one day, people are given permission to be completely shame-free and liberated to consume anything their heart desires (Awareness

  • Takis and nacho cheese? Why not?
  • Taro Boba tea with calamari? Sure!
  • Dave’s burger and mango milkshake? I think yes!

Who says you have to have this amount of food or that amount of drink and be done for the day? There’s no dystopian law that prohibits people from eating past a certain time of night, no natural way to monitor your calorie intake. Most importantly, there surely isn’t any food police to stop you from eating what you want.

On National Eat What You Want Day, allow yourself to partake without the negative thoughts that you’re going to gain weight or your face is going to break out. That’s life and those things don’t last forever. One day of binge eating is something you can bounce back from, so make May 11 that day and enjoy it!