Start new in the month of May

National Renewal Day – May 4

Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay

Like plants, we too can grow with care.

Around this type of year, people are making decisions and National Renewal Day on May 4 is a great time to think about new beginnings.

MacMillan Dictionary defines renewal as “a process of improving, repairing or making something more successful.”

We all have some things that seem to have become old, stale, and just dried, or maybe we have to recommit to a faded New Year’s resolution. Even Nature seems to celebrate National Renewal Day with sprouting plants and beautiful flowers that also seem to be starting new.

According to What National Day Is It, the day was first identified in 2015, so it is still considered a fairly new day, which is fitting for a day based on renewal.

Whatever you need to do, whether it is finishing the school year strong, spring cleaning, bringing a fresh spark to old relationships, or even trying out a new hairstyle, whatever it is, give yourself time and take this National Renewal Day to start a tradition that can las a lifetime.