People, not pets, recognize disabilities

National Specially-Abled Pets Day – May 3


Pets don’t focus on their disabilities.

May 3 is National Specially-Abled Pets Day, a day originally founded in 2006.

National Specially-Abled Pets Day honors all the pets that were born disabled or developed a condition as a result of a traumatic event or disease. Challenged joints, loss of sight or hearing, and paralysis are some of the most common disorders.

While people might focus on the disabilities of pets, the majority of differently-abled dogs are completely unaware of their condition, according to National Day Calendar. These pets are always willing to offer unconditional love and enjoy spending time with you.

Pets are resilient, and the majority adapt to their impairments easily. Sometimes it has to get used to its owner giving it special treatment, depending on the disorder. Although pets with disabilities need special attention and accommodations, they still offer a lot of love and excitement to their owners.

Special ways we can observe this is by adopting a pet that has a disability or donating to adoption centers with specially-abled pets. Consider visiting Handicapped Pets to find some special pets that need love and support. You can also post about them on social media with #NationalSpecialty-AbledPetsDay to give your pet some recognition and love it deserves.