Pets have a special relationship with their human companions

National Pet Week – May 2 to 8

Image by huoadg5888 from Pixabay

All pets deserve special treatment, and National Pet Week is a great time to start.

The very first full week of May, from Sunday to Saturday, May 2 – 8, is National Pet Week, a time that celebrates the relationship between pets and humans.

We celebrate the pets that come into our lives and enrich us with love. They encourage us to get up and move and fill our hearts with joy. National Pet Week celebrates the bond between people and their furry, feathered or finned pets. It encourages pet owners to provide their little friends with everything they need. Veterinarians and other groups that provide care for animals often host gatherings with fun and informative events for pet owners and potential pet owners.

This year, the week can be celebrated with a different focus every day, according to The American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA) .

Sunday, May 2: Choose well: Commit for life. The first day encourages us to adopt a new pet, but even if you already have a little guy at home, the AVMA can give you lots of informative information.

Monday, May 3: Socialize now: New doesn’t have to be scary. Helping your pet get comfortable in every new situation is key. Give your pet interactions that help them cope with the outside world: other animals, public places, car rides, etc.

Tuesday, May 4: Nutrition and exercise matter. An estimated 52.7% of dogs and 57.9% of cats are overweight or obese. Many pet owners neglect the hours we have to do physical activities with our pets. This day encourages you to notice and maintain a safe diet for your pet, and do lots of activities.

Wednesday, May 5: Love your pet? See your vet!” Regular checkups are a critical routine to keeping your pet healthy and improve both quality and the length of life they will live. It also saves pet owners a great deal of money in the end. Don’t put off visits! Pets often hide signs of illness, and regular check-ups are vital to pet care.

Thursday, May 6: Travel with care. Traveling with your pet requires a lot of planning. Getting your pet going and you yourself, special precautions are always required. These range from proper leashes, poop bags, food and water, blankets, etc. The most vital thing to take is your pet’s shot documents, especially if they will be around other dogs or cats.

Friday, May 7: Emergencies happen; be prepared. You never know when or where an emergency will happen. As a great pet owner you should always plan ahead and be prepared. Putting your pet on your family’s emergency plan is a GREAT start!

Saturday, May 8: Plan for their care: Give them a lifetime of love. This last day should not even be something that you just need to realize and start doing. Just as humans, animals have feelings, too. They feel sad, angry, irritated, and hopeless. Thanks to better care, pets live way longer than they ever have before. Good diet is a sign of love, lots of exercise is a sign of lots of love and care, and lots of affection is definitely a sign of love and care.