A day to reclaim your fitness goals

National Fitness Day – May 1

Photo by Samuel Girven on Unsplash

Weights, running, or whatever gets you moving, just do it!

National Fitness Day, which is celebrated on the first Saturday in May. This year, that is May 1, and it is a day is meant for people to celebrate physical fitness and how it impacted people’s lives (National Day Calendar).

On National Fitness Day, people are encouraged to change and get moving. For some, that means hosting or attending community events and raising awareness about how important it is to lead healthier lifestyles by being physically active.

Some people choose this as a sort of New Year’s reboot by signing up to participate in a structured class at the gym, start a virtual workout program, or try different types of sports/workouts that they may not be used to.

By participating in National Fitness Day, you can share your journey or, if you’re just beginning your fitness journey, you can push yourself and bring a friend who wants to start his or her own journey as well.

This day is for you to be inspired and try something out of your comfort zone as well as help others and push them where they want to be.