Love isn’t restricted by time

Global Love Day – May 1

You might have thought Valentine’s Day was the only day entirely made to celebrate love, but you’d be wrong. Seventeen years ago, in 2004, Harold W. Becker the founder of “The Love Foundation,” a non-profit organization chose May 1 to celebrate love. This is their vision for creating this holiday:

“We are one humanity on this planet.

All life is interconnected and interdependent.

All share in the Universal bond of love.

Love begins with self-acceptance and forgiveness.

With respect and compassion we embrace diversity.

Together we make a difference through love.” (Global Love Day)

The Love Foundation wanted a day to spread love for everyone and everything instead of just a day for romantic love such as Valentine’s Day. They wanted “a symbolic day of unconditional love.” (Republic World)

Global Love Day is very popular on social media and that helps promote their non-profit organization and gain a lot of attention. Ways people can celebrate and be in on this holiday is by writing a poem, creating art, donating to charity, volunteering, and showing appreciation for friends and yourself.

It is celebrated all around the world but the most popular places where it is most celebrated are the US, Canada, India, and England. This holiday is intended to show unconditional love for yourself, friends, family members, pet, or even a hobby.

In these times of struggle, it is an amazing holiday to ground yourself with to remind you of all the little things that you love and that keep you happy.