Getting in style for spring

Fashion review – Bring on the spring colors!

Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash

Weather can be fickle, but fun colors will balance it out.

Spring 2021 is going to have a very different feel. Now that students have started returning to campus, it is time to consider getting dressed up for school. Spring holds so many different types of weather: hot days, warm days, windy days, and even rainy days. This type of weather makes everything come back to life, including colorful plants. Nature knows that, once everything starts to warm up, it is time for color to come back and that’s the fashion trends as we shift away for layers and cold basics.

After spending most of 2020 in the house lying around in pajamas, bright colors are much needed to start off a new season in a new year. Every year, Pantone chooses colors for design and fashion, and for 2021, they chose to combine that basic gray with a bright yellow. These are the colors which department stores use to promote the styles popular from the fashion industry. By keeping an eye on what is happening in the fashion industry, you can choose a basic style for your spring wardrobe.

Warm colors are the trend to mix with the Pantene choices: marigold, cerulean blue, and creams. These colors all complement each other. The marigolds/yellows bring a friendly hue into the world, and a friendly welcoming. The blues complement the sky. They remind people of the fresh air, and a cool day. Cream colors make a bold statement, and show elegance. All these colors represent something bright and welcoming, just as spring is.