Truth should be a daily habit

National Honesty Day – April 30

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In the long run, this is always the best choice.

In the early 1990’s the author of “The Book Of Lies,” M. Hirsh Goldberg, created National Honesty Day “to encourage honesty and straightforward communication in politics, relationships, consumer relations and historical education” (Wikipedia).

Honesty is very important. For some people it is the main thing they look for when going into a new relationship, whether it is romantic or just a friendship. Being honest shows how loyal and respectful a person you are.

National Honesty Day is celebrated on April 30 and is dedicated to prevent all the deceitful lies in history, like the 11 shared here by Readers Digest .

On National Honesty Day and every day, you might choose to answer questions truthfully, open up to someone (truthfully), be more transparent and let people in. If you are always honest as you should be, spread awareness by sharing #HonestyDay and let people around the world know how important it is to be honest.