Read something that will make you feel something
National Great Poetry Reading Day – April 28
Image by MorningbirdPhoto from Pixabay
A love of poetry starts early but lasts a lifetime.
On April 28, we celebrate National Great Poetry Reading Day.
This day is a chance to celebrate great poems and poets, to learn more about the art of poetry.
Poetry has a wide range of forms and genres. National Day Calendar ( tells us the many forms such as, “…the sonnet, shi, villanelle, tanka, haiku, ode, and ghazal,” and genres such as, “…narrative, epic, dramatic, satirical, lyric, elegy, verse fable, prose, and speculative poetry.”
Deseret News ( provides us with a list of the greatest poets of all time, including Edgar Allen Poe, William Shakespeare, Maya Angelou, Emily Dickinson, and Shel Silverstein. Each and every one of them has made a mark in the world of literature.
National Day Calendar suggests a few things you can do to celebrate National Great Poetry Reading Day. Read some poems from your favorite poet and, if you don’t have one, make sure to check out the Deseret News list linked above to find some to get you started!
You can share this day with your friends and family, and have each of them pick out a poem to read aloud. Share your National Great Poetry Reading Day on social media with the hashtag, #GreatPoetryReadingDay.

Kayla Xiong Vang works as a staff member for The Armijo Signal. It’s her first year in journalism at Armijo, and she writes articles for the students...