Support assault victims with denim

Denim Day – April 28

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Pull on your jeans as a sign of solidarity.

Patrice Giggins founded Denim Day in 1999 because she wanted a day to “practice solidarity and support survivors by renewing our commitment to exposing harmful behaviors and attitudes surrounding sexual violence” (Peace River Center).  This year, that experience is being celebrated on April 28.

This day was inspired by an 18-year-old Italian girl that was raped in 1992 by her driving instructor while wearing denim. Her rapist was the first sentenced to jail but then it was overturned. Patrice Giggins, the Executive Director of Peace over Violence saw this and thought “everyone should be wearing jeans to protest all of the myths about why women and girls are raped” (Denim Day  Her first Denim Day was held in  Los Angeles and has been celebrated every year since. It is now the longest-running sexual violence prevention and education campaign ever!

To celebrate Denim Day you can wear denim to support sexual violence survivors. In 2019 over 10 million people wore denim in support. Why not join those millions in 2021?

You can also shop their online shop at Peace over for clothes to make a statement and raise awareness these include: pins, stickers, bucket hats, and t-shirts.

You can find information to become a sponsor or endorser for the Denim Day Campaign at: Denim Day or fundraise for the Denim Day Campaign at Denim Day

Lastly, you can donate to the Denim Day Campaign at: Give.Peace over