Make a difference in the penguin population

World Penguin Day – April 25

Image by Markus De Nitto from Pixabay

Penguins bring us joy and laughter.

The annual northern migration of Adélie penguins on April 25 is also known as World Penguin Day. “The Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) is a species of penguin common along the entire coast of the Antarctic continent,” but it is not the only penguin in that area (Wikipedia).

Emperor, Chinstrap, Gentoo, and Macaroni Penguins are also native to that area. According to Atlantic and Southern Ocean Coalition, “Alarmingly, of the 17 recognized living species, 11 have been listed as Vulnerable or Endangered.” What is causing them to become endangered? Well, to be frank, it’s us, it’s climate change, pollution, volcanic eruptions, and getting tangled in fishing nets.

World Penguin Day is here to help us realize that we can do things to help protect the creatures that have spawned such popular films as Happy Feet (2006), March of the Penguins (2005), Penguins of Madagascar (2014), and even Mr. Popper’s Penguins (2011).

Scientists reported that some penguins try and move further south for migrations as it’s becoming less and less cool for mating season.

How can you help Antarctic Penguins? Visit Aurora Expeditions and become educated and read how to donate or for a shortcut you can also donate to Penguin International