It’s the one planet you can help

International Mother Earth Day and National Earth Day – April 22

Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

Start April 22 and never stop celebrating.

It is always important to recognize our world and how we treat it. We need to come together as a whole and make sure we are treating our planet well. What can we do? Create a holiday for it? Yes, we can do that even if it should be every day when we try to do things that will benefit not only our planet but ourselves as well.

International Mother Earth Day and National Earth Day are celebrated every year on the April 22 to encourage everyone to try and start doing things that will help us in the long run.

Some things that we can do to do our part are volunteer for cleanups, conserve water, plant trees, use long lasting light bulbs, and reduce, reuse and recycle.

Planting trees is an important thing for us to focus on. Trees contribute to our environment by providing a habitat for our animals, they help improve air quality, conserve water, preserve soil, and provide oxygen. You can find out more about the benefits of trees and how to help plant more at

On National Earth Day in 2011, 28 million trees were planted in Afghanistan for a “Plant Trees Not Bombs” campaign. In 2012 more than 100,000 people in China rode their bikes to reduce CO2 emissions and show the amount of pollution that is created by cars on a daily basis. Find out more Earth Day facts at Do and learn what you can do at Start helping on National Earth Day and make it a habit for the rest of the year.