Celebrate the 17th with 17 syllables

National Haiku Poetry Day – April 17

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

A lot can be shared in just three lines.

On April 17, we’ll be celebrating National Haiku Poetry Day “Haiku poetry is a form of Japanese poetry that is non-rhyming and normally consists of three lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5,” explains The Griffin Trust (https://rb.gy/4pobgi).

With a total of 17 syllables, there’s a sense of beauty within its limited words. “Haiku poems are usually inspired by an element of nature, a season, a moment of beauty or an individual experience or event,” The Griffin Post continues.

Anyone can be a poet. As suggested by the National Day Calendar (https://rb.gy/yozrij), you can find inspiration in the world around you. Make sure to encourage your friends and family to participate in this day to explore the creativity within us all. Read haiku poetry and take the time to understand the meanings within. Share your haiku writing skills in the comments below or on social media, with the hashtag #NationalHaikuPoetryDay.