Tragedy leads to a positive day annually

National Orchid Day – April 16

Image by anncapictures from Pixabay

Positive outcomes come from difficult memories.

Orchids, formally known as Orchidaceae, are a specific family of flowers that originate from the eastern hemisphere. They are native to Asia, Australia, and the Himalayas, but now can be found anywhere in the world besides Antarctica.

They are known for their highly desirable aroma and bright colors. Many think of orchids as prestigious flowers because they have a reputation for being extremely difficult to care for, but with proper care and treatment, these plants can live around 100 years.

A flower like this deserves acknowledgement, and that is why National Orchid Day is celebrated on April 16.

As stated by the National Day Calendar, this day came about when a couple named Mike and Faith Young volunteered at an orchid reserve in Mexico in 2010. They had a great time there, and their experience “changed their lives forever.” The Youngs decided that their future daughter would name her Orchid Faith. Sadly, on April 16, 2014, their daughter was stillborn.

They then set out to create National Orchid Day to honor their daughter. “On the year anniversary of losing their precious little girl, they created a Kickstarter campaign. They offered pre-orders of their backyard honey (The Humble Bumbles Honey) with the goal of designating April 16 as National Orchid Day through the Official National Day Registrar. Within the first day, they met their goal, and the campaign brought in over $1,500” (Praise Cleveland).

You can celebrate this holiday by buying orchids and caring for them, or sharing them as gifts. You can also promote orchids to friends and family. National Days tend to have hashtags, so use #NationalOrchidDay on social media as well. You can also buy  honey and honey products from The Humble Bumbles Honey

Find out more about the history of National Orchid Day at Mike and Faith.blogspot.