Brush up on your dolphin knowledge

National Dolphin Day – April 14

Photo by Ádám Berkecz on Unsplash

Dolphins are intelligent and talented.

Annually, on April 14, dolphins are recognized nationwide for their social and intelligent behavior. Dolphins, along with porpoises and whales, belong to the cetacean family. They have a carnivorous diet that consists of squid and fish, as stated by National Day Calendar. Now you have the basic information to understand the purpose behind National Dolphin Day, but there’s more to know.

For instance, when a group of dolphins are together, they are called a school or a pod. A male dolphin is called a bull; a female dolphin is called a cow. Following the trend of names also seen in cattle, a young dolphin is called a calf.

There are 40 species of dolphins; the bottlenose dolphin will be the most famous one.

Dolphins have a notable sense of hearing. They are able to hear higher pitch frequencies and can distinguish different whistles made from different dolphins.

You don’t have to go far to celebrate National Dolphin Day. You can find dolphins in the wild as close as the San Francisco Bay (baynature). You can spend time visiting them there or visit them at Six Flags Dolphin Discovery. You can study dolphins or sponsor one through adoption (www.oceanicsociety).