Not all heroes wear capes

National Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week – April 11 to 17

Image by ttwan from Pixabay

Among other things, these officers help protect people and animals from harm.

April 11-17 is officially known as National Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week. This week is set aside to recognize the hard working first responders that help the welfare of animals (nacanet)..

People often think of Animal Control as the people you call when there’s a stray dog on the street, and although these workers do everything to protect citizens and their communities, there is more to the job.

Common misconceptions these officers face are being people who just want to take your animals away. In reality, Animal Control officers do everything they can to take care of and protect animals from starvation, abuse, injury, and diseases. They keep humans safe from animals and animals safe from humans.

This job is only for diligent and tireless workers filled with professionalism. The second full week of April gives us a focused time to acknowledge these fearless and essential workers and the service they provide 24/7.