Lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!

National Zoo Lovers’ Day – April 8

Image by Stacey Kennedy from Pixabay

See the animals you love close up and personal.

National Zoo Lovers’ Day is on April 8. This is a perfect day for people that love animals to go and visit their favorite animals at the zoo and enjoy their time there.

National Zoo Lovers’ Day encourages people to explore their local zoos. We are fortunate to live in an area with so many zoos nearby. In addition to the animals that are featured at Six Flags in Vallejo, we also have access to the San Francisco Zoo (which is about 65 miles away), the Oakland Zoo  (which is about 55 miles away), and the Sacramento Zoo (which is about 40 miles away). Many states have fewer zoos or they are farther apart.

While the programs at these zoos varies, as does the animal population, each one offers visitors to learn about the animals they’re interested in, with facts like if those animals are endangered or if they are at risk of becoming endangered, as well as information about the animals’ habitat.

Animal lovers of all ages can make memories and learn things about animals they had no idea about. Some may choose to volunteer at one of these zoos, or help out closer to home at the Suisun Wildlife Center.  Some of that volunteering may include helping with fundraisers to help support animals and the facilities, especially during this time. Since zoos run on a budget, doing things like this could really help them and their beautiful animals get better in any way possible.

Before visiting any of the sites listed, check to see if you need a reservation as most are keeping their guest list limited to help prevent the spread of COVID.