Healthy living impacts the world
World Health Day – April 7
Have you heard the slogan “Protecting health from climate change”? That’s the World Health Day 2021 slogan! (
World Health Day is designed to create awareness to a specific health theme (hence this year’s climate change theme) to highlight a priority area of concern for the World Health Organization, better known as WHO. The day has been celebrated on April 7 since 1950 and honors the founding of WHO, which was founded in 1948.
How can you celebrate World Health Day and help “protect health from climate change”? Well, one you could do without putting too much effort is posting about global warming on social media! There are many accounts and useful resources such as
- Since it is a day of health, you could go for a hike, walk, etc., but make sure to bring a mask in case you encounter other people from whom you can no social distance!
- You can also promote this day by enjoying healthy eating. Even if you have a sweet tooth, doesn’t mean you can’t eat healthy foods. It’s always good to eat at least one fruit a day and they can curb that sweet tooth.
- Another thing you can do which I have seen many people practicing recently is mindful meditation! Remember, being healthy doesn’t mean just physically but also mentally! (Teach Hub)
While you might feel that you can’t change the world, you can keep yourself healthy while the world changes around you. Follow these simple steps and make World Health Day be just the start of a healthier lifestyle, and that will help make this a healthier place to live.

A staff writer for the Armijo Signal at Armijo High, Rylyn is responsible for writing two stories every month, as well as the other assignments that Ms.Herring...