Step away from the cleaning supplies

National No Housework Day – April 7

Photo by Tracey Hocking on Unsplash

Take a day off from your household chores.

If there’s one thing that’s very repetitive throughout life, it’s the constant nag of housework or chores. Whatever that involves, people to constantly need to clean, organize, or fix something around the house.

Everybody has some sort of housework that they are expected to do. Some teens and preteens would rather knock it out of the way immediately, no matter the hassle or how time consuming it is. Others have finally found the day they are waiting for: National No Housework Day. This special day is celebrated on April 7 and the way to celebrate is obvious. How would you begin such a day? How would you choose to spend the free time created when you don’t have to do your chores?

Instead of housework, maybe you want to continue reading that book you’ve been putting off, finish sewing up that jacket that taking forever, play your video game, kickback and relax, anything other than the usual.

And who’s to say that only teenage and preteen would participate? Mother, fathers, grandparents, aunt/uncles, just about anybody could do about anything they want to while they completely disregard of house chores for one day.

Lounge around, do your crosswords, catch up on some homework (which actually gave me this wake up call to do this assignment, even though I wrote it long before the National Day).

It isn’t taboo to take one day off and indulge in your personal agenda. It’s quite the inspiring feeling knowing you finally got to do this and that the housework will be there tomorrow. Maybe this opportunity makes you want to keep going for the things you’re intrigued to do, unless you’re a couch potato who doesn’t do anything. It could be the start to a wonderful monthly, or even weekly, tradition. Go ahead. Give it a try.