Armijo’s not going to be so empty soon

Photo by Mira Kireeva on Unsplash

The hybrid models of secondary schools will begin.

The pandemic has caused students in the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (FSUSD) and many districts around the country to move completely to online schooling.
Students have spent the majority of the school year in distance learning, which has had a big impact on student achievement and motivation.
Students in FSUSD have started coming back to school, with the youngest students having the opportunity to return before Spring Break. Middle school and high school students will have the option to return when classes resume on April 12.
They district has offered students the option to completely stay online, or have a hybrid schedule where they will all attend classes in the morning online, but visit the campus in the afternoon for enrichment, assistance and additional instruction.
What has pushed the district to make this decision is the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines. Since they have been made available, medical workers, those over 65, people with a high risk, essential workers, teachers and others have been vaccinated. The list has continued to expand as more vaccines become available.
Students and their families have different perspectives about whether or not to go back to school. Some people simply want things to “go back to normal” while others continue to have concerns based on the ongoing restrictions.
Because the return to school will require a revised schedule, allowing for travel time after distance learning for students returning to campus, online classes will resume four days a week at 8 am, with Wednesdays being the familiar schedule. There will be no adaptation of the schedule for holidays after April 12.
You can see the new schedule at: Spring Schedule.