Save it or share it with the world

National Flash Drive Day, – April 5

Image by artverau from Pixabay

Extras can be donated to help people around the world.

Need an easier way to save files rather than on the computer? Use a flash drive! They’re easy to hook up and you can travel with it anywhere.

National Flash Drive Day, April 5, celebrates the USB (universal serial bus) drive, the stick that can download digital data. We can now carry our flies to-go and easier for when you accidentally delete them. You store photos, transfer files and upload videos and movies (with permission).

Flash drives are more than a small plugin device. They can save us when presenting a speech, saving notes and more. We can carry our knowledge on a key chain and use it to recall that data on computers anywhere in the world.

Flash drives provide access to information to parts of the world. “In third world and oppressed countries, flash drives go where the information superhighway cannot… In homeless communities, flash drives keep people connected by giving them access photos and a resumé; these items may be a lifeline of hope” (National Day Calendar).

According to, “in 2018, USB Memory Direct established National Flash Drive Day to bring awareness to the flash drives we have made on our technological lives and to shine a spotlight on the broader good the technology can do.” It was declared a National Day on to be observed on April 5.

On National  Flash Drive Day, you might want to save pictures or back-up files, play a retro game, or donate your flash drive to a good cause. Charities across the country deliver donated devices to schools, homeless shelters, and nations in need. Consider sharing your flash drive at