Through the pandemic, they worked!

National Public Health Week – April 5 to 11

Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

This is why you should be grateful for them.

The first full week of April, from Monday to Sunday, April 5 – 11, is National Public Health Week.

What’s the purpose of National Public Health Week? According to National Day Calendar, it “encourages people to become a part of a growing movement to create a healthy nation.”

National Public Health Week is important because it helps celebrate, recognize and honor the contribution of America’s public health workers. This has been a hard year in the field of healthcare and we owe those who have researched the disease as well as cared for its victims a huge debt of gratitude.

You can participate in National Public Health Week by doing some research and learning how healthy California, or any state, is. Just go to , “Find out how healthy your state is by going to the American Health Ranking website. Download the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Health IQ App or go to Follow the CDC on Facebook (CDC) and share health facts and information using #PublicHealthWeek.