Join the world in a huge pillow fight!

International Pillow Fight Day – April 3

Photo by Allen Taylor on Unsplash

Grab your pillow and take to the streets.

Each year, there is a day dedicated to pillow fighting. International Pillow Fight Day occurs the first Saturday of every April and that means that this year it is being held on April 3.

The first Worldwide Pillow Fight Day (later christened International Pillow Fight Day) happened in March of 2008, when over 25 cities around the world celebrated in a worldwide flash mob style fight. Ever since that day, many countries, families, and friends participate on this day to promote happiness and joy (

There are essential rules for this National Day: swing lightly, use only softs pillows, remove any glasses or facial accessories, don’t swing at anyone who does not have a pillow, and don’t swing at anyone with a camera. Lastly, bring a bag to help clean up the mess after the event (

The idea of International Pillow Fight Day was derived from the film Fight Club. Since then, Pillow Fight Clubs have started to grow. These clubs started out small but more and more people tended to join. This then led to the creation of this annual international event (pillow-fight-day).

International Pillow Fight Day allows people to release stress they might have built up through the week, and over the course of this last year, a lot of people are carrying additional stress. International Pillow Fight Day can bring communities together, create a very positive atmosphere, allow people to socialize, even at a distance of one pillow-length, and promote lots of fun for children and adults.