Somewhere, over the rainbow…

National Find a Rainbow Day – April 3

Photo by David Brooke Martin on Unsplash

Rainbows are considered lucky symbols.

The rainbow represented in the story of Noah’s Ark might be the first mention of this beautiful phenomenon in literature. And while rain is not as common in our region as it is in other parts of the world, we all recognize the beauty of a rainbow when we find one.

National Find a Rainbow Day, April 3, honors this curved arc which beams a stream of various beautiful colors:  red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. It is sourced by a shower of water and sunlight, or by light passing through a glass prism, both of which reflect multi-prismatic design.

It is amazing that a collaboration between simple common objects can create such a stunning image. National Find a Rainbow Day encourages you to find a natural rainbow or to create one on your own. If the weather is not cooperating, find a ray of sunshine, a glass prism, and a white sheet of paper. Place the white sheet under the glass prism and begin rotating the glass prism until a rainbow appears onto the paper.

Even if no glass prism can be found, you can always create a rainbow and put it in your window for others to find.

Now that you know of this National Day, will you be joining in on this multicolored fun?