Share your time this month

National Volunteer Month – April AND National Volunteer Week – April 18 to 24

Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash

Reach out and help someone in April.

Some people might tell you that you are a fool to pass up a good volunteer opportunity this month and, while the month starts with April Fool’s Day, the entire month is dedicated to the practice of volunteering. That’s right. April is National Volunteer Month.

Across the country, in big cities and small towns, volunteer work is always available and there is probably something out there that suits your interests. Animal shelters, hospitals, retirement homes, parks, fire departments and more are looking for people who want to donate their time to improve the situation for others.

The experience of volunteering, especially the social and helpful aspects, not only benefit the recipient, but also the participant. Many businesses would not function without volunteers and service companies like fire departments and hospitals stay thriving due to the help of volunteers. Do you like working with children? Consider offering your time to tutor students or assist at a day care center. Are you interested in serving the needy? Volunteer at a food bank or a homeless shelter.

While celebrating National Volunteer Month suggests that you do something regularly, it does not have to be that way. Remember during the wildfires last fall when people lost their homes and everything in them? Volunteers from all over, all ages, all genders came and donated clothes, food, and basic necessities. And maybe one of those volunteers was you.

We can acknowledge this day by thanking volunteers who help make our community better, and even becoming one. If the month itself seems overwhelming – where do you start? – perhaps you want to settle in on National Volunteer Week from April 18-24. Check out a volunteer match site, like The pandemic has opened up a lot of opportunities and as we continue to open up the state, you can help make people’s lives better.

It is a rewarding experience for all. You would be doing a great service to everyone.