Make your room your room again

National Decorating Month – April

Photo by Benjamin Rascoe on Unsplash

Bright colors and designs will wake up your room.

National Home Decorating Month, now known as National Decorating Month, originated in April 1968. This is a  where people celebrate by improving their homes – painting the walls, ordering new furniture, or updating fabrics like curtains and bedding. It’s meant to make something old look new again.

Decorating is something that is done for both the person who is doing it and the people who will admire it. Some people redecorate as a distraction and for some that distraction is to help them quit smoking. If the home looks nice and smells fresh, decorators don’t want the scent of smoke mess up their recent project.

When redoing something, people often sketch out their ideas and take notes on what they’re going to do. National Day Calendar suggests testing the coordination of paint and fabric swatches before committing to any combination.

This National Decorating Month, you might want to consider redecorating your space as we prepare to return to campus, reclaiming your bedroom as your personal space rather than your classroom. Show your creativity with designs that make you happy and, since it is now spring, consider switching up your world with color in artworks, wallpapers, and paint colors.