Protect yourself and those you love

National Child Abuse Awareness Month – April

Image by sippakorn yamkasikorn from Pixabay

You can help protect those who can’t protect themselves.

This month, we recognize the importance of communities that work together to help make sure that no child is suffering from any sort of abuse. During National Child Abuse Awareness Month, communities are encouraged to increase the awareness for children who suffer and to help prevent it. Communities are also encouraged to work together to come up with effective strategies that support families and children as well.

Adults play roles in building  safe, stable homes that are needed for healthy development of children. With each opportunity, hope is brought to families and the end for child abuse and neglect gets closer.

National Child Abuse Awareness Month was first observed in 1983 and proclaimed by President Ronald Regan. “The Office on Child Abuse and Neglect continues to coordinate activities, prepare promotional materials and host multidisciplinary forums focused on prevention, education, and awareness on an annual basis” (

So how can we help prevent child abuse and observe the month effectively, becoming those who enact the change? Well for starters, we can help bring attention to this situation by talking more about the conflict; informing others is a good strategy. There are also several websites to donate or find more information regarding to National Child Abuse Awareness Month including Court Advocates for Children (