Breathe deep, find yourself this week

National Introverts Week – March 15 to 21

Image by soumen82hazra from Pixabay

Sometimes introverted people need a chance to relax and recharge before facing the world.

There won’t likely be any parties or big celebrations, but National Introverts Week will be taking place from March 15 through March 21. Many people think of introverts as shy, but the two aren’t linked. Introversion is a personality type, while shyness is an emotion.

An introvert is often thought of as quiet, and reserved. They don’t often seek out attention or social engagements. According to Webmd, general signs that you are in introvert are the following;

  • Need quiet to concentrate
  • Are reflective
  • Are self-aware
  • Take time making decisions
  • Feel comfortable being alone
  • Don’t like group work
  • Prefer to write rather than talk
  • Feel tired after being in a crowd
  • Have few friendships, but are very close with these friends
  • Daydream or use their imaginations to work out a problem
  • Retreat into their own mind to rest

Webmd also states that there are different introversion personalities which are,

  • Social introverts. This is the “classic” type of introvert. Social introverts like small groups and quiet settings over crowds.
  • Thinking introverts. People in this group are daydreamers. They spend a lot of time in their thoughts and tend to have creative imaginations.
  • Anxious introverts. They seek out alone time not just because they like it, but also because they often feel awkward or shy around people.
  • Restrained/inhibited introverts. These introverts think before they act. They aren’t likely to make a decision on a whim. Typically they take longer to take action.

How can you celebrate introverts during this week? Well, according to Apartment Therapy, you can offer to actually cancel plans to hang out with others. Another option for introverts is to have a good nice night in, having quality time. If you are not an introvert, you can still allow your introvert friends to that good night in by themselves, recharging their batteries and having alone time. It will help them be more sensitive to the needs of their extroverted friends later on.