Sports are happening through May

Photo by Nathan Shively on Unsplash

Referees, coaches and athletes are going to be busy for a few months.

For the last year, sports have been set on the back burner with no firm starting date, but that has recently changed. Sports normally played in the fall or winter have been moved, temporarily, to share the spring season with other sports.

In February, Girls’ Tennis, Boys’ Golf and Cross-Country hurried to add students to their rosters as they had their first scheduled games and meets later in the month. The season was shortened to about six weeks, but the players were able to be ready for the next round of sports.

In mid-March, baseball, softball, track and field, volleyball, badminton and swimming began practice, with competition starting the week of March 15. Each sport will have about five games, playing each school within the league. Many of these sports may have an extended season if the county goes into the Orange Tier early enough to influence that decision.

These sports were chosen for this time period, because they are outdoors with limited contact. Since COVID is still around, before each practice all athletes must be wearing a mask when they first check in, and get their temperatures taken. Those with symptoms related to the virus or who have been near someone exposed to COVID are being asked to quarantine and may not be able to play for some of those games and meets. Before every game all athletes must be tested and results must be negative.

While football is a high contact sport, it has also been given the go ahead to start practice and the first game will be on March 19 against Rodriguez. Football has a special start time because the athletes need to give their bodies enough rest between the seasons and Spring Ball is coming up for some players and that would not be possible if the season started much later.

Other high contact sports, including indoor sports, are scheduled to begin in April, with the first games and meets starting the week of April 26. These sports include both boys’ and girls’ soccer, water polo and basketball as well as wrestling. Girls’ golf and boys’ tennis are also scheduled to start competitions that week.

Many sports are still looking for student athletes who are interested in ending the school year with an academic experience. All sports are expected to be completed by May 29.