From opening curtains to final bows

World Theatre Day – March 27

Image by Petra Hegenbart from Pixabay

This day offers a salute to entertainment.

It’s time for curtain call because on March 27 we celebrate the talented performers, music, and stories of theatre.

World Theatre Day shines a light on the importance of theatre and its impact on performing arts over the years. Created in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI), this day has been celebrated by international organizations who all share a common theme of theatre and peace ( One tradition is inviting an honorary figure to share their experiences with theatre and how performing arts connect to us all. This special message is sent to hundreds of newspapers and translated to 50 languages to get the message across to all theatre audiences.

Overall the goal of World Theatre Day is to promote the value of theatre in all forms. The amount of effort and passion that goes into putting on a production is amazing and it’s important to recognize the hard work. It’s a day where theatre lovers, performers, and schools come together and celebrate.

This World Theatre Day don’t forget to show your support for your favorite productions. This can be spreading the word of certain performances, going to a local theatre when available, or donating online to performing arts organizations.