It starts with the magic words
National Common Courtesy Day – March 21
Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash
In any language, gratitude is a form of common courtesy.
Common courtesy, like common sense, is not necessarily all that common, but on March 21, National Common Courtesy Day, we can be reminded that being kind and helpful keeps society from melting away into a sea of madness.
National Common Courtesy Day has been observed and celebrated since at least 2003, according to NationalDayCalendar/, but the actual origin is lost in time. The concept and benefits of courtesy have been part of civilized society for centuries.
In the modern world, common courtesy can be as simple as saying “please” and “thank you” when asking for and receiving a service, gift or assistance. Kindness and courtesy go hand in hand and ideally become natural behaviors over time.
If common courtesy isn’t already in your daily routine, then this is the day to start practicing it. Scientific evidence shows that doing something good for others benefits your health. Volunteering and mentoring are some of the biggest examples of doing good for others, but common courtesy is simpler than that and doesn’t take a big commitment.
Opening the door for someone, offering to carry part of a heavy load or sending an invitation to an event for someone who might not be considered are all signs of common courtesy. It’s just about being nice and helpful to people in anyways that you possibly can.

Amelia Jiles is a staff writer. Her responsibilities are to write stories for The Armijo Signal, the high school newspaper. She chose journalism as her...