Join in the fight against tobacco

National Kick Butts Day – March 20

Image by Martin Büdenbender from Pixabay

One person at a time and health is restored.

On March 20, we’re kicking some butts!

National Kick Butts Day is a day of activism that promotes the youth to learn about tobacco use. “Teachers, kids, youth leaders, and health advocates all participate!” says (

Participation in the celebration involves organizing events to raise awareness of tobacco use, encouraging kids to stay tobacco-free, and fighting for the anti-tobacco legislation to be passed. “Great strides have been made in the fight against traditional tobacco use since the original campaign ‘Kick Butts Day’ launched its first campaign in 1996,” says the American Association for Respiratory Care (aarc).

This day is especially important because it allows the community to come together with a united cause, fighting smoking from further targeting kids. Flavor Hook Kids even mentions that: “The tobacco industry uses flavors to spark curiosity and mask the harshness of tobacco” (

To participate in National Kick Butts Day, National Today gives us a few suggestions: You can organize an event in the community, perhaps something that can go live in 2022. We can use National Kick Butts Day as a kick-off for actively speaking up about protecting kids from tobacco. Finally, you should talk to younger children, such as siblings and cousins, and teach them about the dangers of smoking.