In 2021, Social Workers are Essential
National Social Work Month – March
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Social Workers help find solutions to human problems.
Social workers are known to help both children and adults, often when they are in huge trouble with their families or society. That is why March is recognized as National Social Work Month, to recognize these individuals for all of their hard work.
This year’s theme, according to is Social Workers are Essential, and in a time of the pandemic, that has been proved. The job of the social worker can range from childhood adoption to assistance with deathbed issues.
While they’ve been helping people for generations, National Social Work Month is that it was introduced in 1963, almost 60 years ago, by the National Association of Social Workers, but Congress did not acknowledge the celebration for more than twenty years. “In 1984, a joint resolution of Congress was passed and was proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan under Proclamation 5167 on March 22 as National Professional Social Work Month” (
There are so many things you can do to participate in this. For starters, you can look up a social worker’s job and learn more in depth about what they do. Recently, the idea of defunding the police and using more social workers to help address problems, so there will probably be an increase in need for people in the career.
If you know anyone who is a social worker, you can always give them a little gift or even just a thank you for all their hard work they do.
For those without a connection to a social worker or an interest in pursuing the career, there are always opportunities to donate. Two organizations that could benefit from financial assistance: The National Social Work Association ( and The Social Work Disaster Assistance Fund ( Both of these organizations help send Social Workers to disaster areas to help people get back on track after a tragic event, and that’s definitely worth celebrating.