Plant a tree today, an apple tree
National Johnny Appleseed Day – March 11
Image by TatsianaVusava from Pixabay
“Any fool can count the seeds in an apple. Only God can count all the apples in one seed.” Robert H Schuller
On National Johnny Appleseed Day, we remember a man who made apple (and pear) trees bloom across the nation. We celebrate that day on March 11.
What do you remember learning about this iconic figure? Did you know that his actual name was John Chapman? He was born in September 26, 1774 in Leominster, Massachusetts, to Nathaniel and Elizabeth Chapman.
“In 1797, Chapman showed up in northwestern Pennsylvania, propagating his apple seeds,” the National Day Calendar explains. “In his wake, he left orchards and the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish spiritual leader” (
While this holiday is also considered on Johnny’s birthday, the celebration we recognize here brings attention to the beginning of the planting season. So, if you want to keep the doctor away by enjoying an apple a day, this is the day to thank the man who shared the fruit with our country.