More can be learned about HIV/AIDS

National Women and Girls HIV and AIDS – March 10

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

Learn what you can, share what you know.

March focuses on Women’s History, but March 10 is specifically set aside to as National Women and Girls HIV and AIDS. It is a day celebrated by national organizations and individuals from different states.

This National Day is sponsored by the Office on Women’s Health of the Department of Health and Human Services. They have come together to support and share an impact of women and girls across the country who may suffer from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Although progress has been made against HIV/AIDS in the U.S., many are still getting infected. While any woman who is exposed to these can be infected, African-American and Hispanic women are more vulnerable to the disease ( The CDC reported that, in 2019, about 19% of the people in the United States with AIDS are women. So how may we use this month to bring awareness?

On March 10 and throughout the whole month, we can learn and share about HIV/AIDS with our friends and family, as well as online. This will help bring awareness to the situation, and eventually help women and girls who are infected.

We can all use this National Day during Women’s History Month to increase awareness about women and girls who are infected with HIV/AIDS and help them find help. A change in HIV/AIDS rates starts with awareness.