This little piggy has his own day!
National Pig Day – March 1
Image by Yair Ventura Filho from Pixabay
For some people, pigs are great pets.
Pigs are one of man’s most intelligent domesticated animals. Due to their intelligence, pigs make good pets, but they like to eat everything and they are quite messy. March 1 is the day to celebrate swine, as pets and products. It is National Pig Day.
While people assume they know about pigs on the farm, this column will help you understand pigs at home.
Although intelligence is a great thing to have in a pet, when you keep them as pets they need lots of attention and stimulation to keep their minds going, according to They do bond with all members of the family, which can cause them to act out if they are left to their own devices.
Pigs are highly motivated by food, and can learn how to get into cabinets, trash cans, and refrigerators. Baby proofing is a must when owning a pig. But this motivation can also create an easier way to train pet pigs.
Lastly, if a pet pig were to have an illness, it could be difficult to find a vet that treats that type of animal, and because the specialist vets are rare, the cost can skyrocket to large amounts of money.
Now, on to the pig facts:
- Pigs can run up to a speed of 30 miles per hour while humans can only run up to 8 miles per hour
- Pigs can’t sweat, so the phrase, “sweating like a pig” is meaningless.
- There was a report of a man who was eaten by his pigs after having a heart attack and falling into their enclosure according to
- Only a small portion of domestic pigs are pink
- A pig’s body if covered in sharp, short fur
Even though we eat animals, we still love them, and National Pig Day allows us to honor the porcine population, whether you want them as pets or serving in another way.