Interested in Track and Field?
Image by anncapictures from Pixabay
Sports are on track for the spring, and Track and Field can’t be far behind.
With the announcement that sports will be happening this year it is time to begin planning ahead for the Track and Field season!
If you are interested in competing in track and field this year please join our Google Classroom, classroom code is: 6wiss5a, and complete the athletic clearance process listed in the announcement for the class. For those of you not familiar with the clearance process there are three or four steps:
1) Current Physical – you must have a current physical on file to compete.
2) Completed Athletic Clearance Profile for the 20-21 season – found at
3) Complete the Return to Play google form with your parent – linked in the Google classroom
4) Complete the Impact test if you have not done so before – Contact me if you will need to do this
There are no practices happening currently but when that changes I will send out an announcement in the Google Classroom so you will definitely want to make sure you have joined. Please remember that no one is allowed to practice without completing the clearance process so the sooner you can complete that the better. If you have any questions about that process, or about track itself please feel free to respond to this email (Do not hit reply all!).
Thank you for your time everyone and I hope to see many of you out for the team this year!