Once upon a time there was a story
National Tell a Fairy Tale Day – February 26
Photo by Natalia Y on Unsplash
Whatever language, fairy tales are treasured texts.
When was the last time you’ve told a fairy tale? Today’s your day to celebrate telling a fairy tale day.
In honor of reading your fictional stories during your childhood, February 26 is set aside to celebrate. It is known as National Tell a Fairy Tale Day and celebrates the fantasy genre we all know and love.
Fairy tales are generally considered children’s fictional short story in the folklore genre. They usually feature mythical creatures, magical beings, and imaginary lands. Many fairy tales with which we are familiar come from European cultures, with roots as far back as the sixteenth centuries, and have been passed down from time to time.
While they are usually shared with children, the origins from fairy tales were not appropriate for them in the olden times. The fairy tales told in the past were dark and were more for adult audiences, or to teach children obedience. After all, who would run away from home if they might be eaten by an evil witch who lives in a candy house?
Even though stories have evolved more overtime, tales from the past such as The Little Mermaid, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and The Ugly Duckling are still being told to this day. Those tales have actually becoming modernized, and softened, in many forms such as movies, toys and sequels.
In order to tell a fairy tale and celebrate National Tell a Fairy Tale Day, you want to pick a story that you love and find your audience. Do you have younger siblings who might want to hear a story? Can you share the tale with some children in your neighborhood? Maybe you want to offer your parents a clever performance or create a video of your favorite tale.
As you’re narrating your fairytale, make sure to be in character and engage with your audience.
This day celebrates Fairy Tales! So have fun and enjoy the stories, and share your favorite tale in the comments below.

Chloe Villagracia attends Armijo High School, where she currently works as a staff writer for the news website known as “The Armijo Signal”. Although...