Get a charge out of this holiday

National Battery Day – February 18

Image by Andreluiz Cunha from Pixabay

Don’t let him have died in vain. Recycle!

Where would we be without the convenience of batteries? Well, for starters, you’d have a hard time reading this article or doing your school work. Most of our devices are charged, in one way or another, by a battery. Sometimes the battery is built into the device and charged from an outside source. Other times, the battery is inserted to make things work.

National Battery Day, which is celebrated on February 18, gives us a chance to appreciate what we often take for granted, the convenience batteries provide for our everyday use.

Batteries are more important than most of us realize. According to, “Lead batteries… power more than just our devices and other tools and toys…In 2016, the U.S. lead battery industry enabled more than 95,000 jobs and contributed more than $28 billion in total economic output to the national economy. On National Battery Day and every day, there are many good reasons to celebrate this technology that is essential today and for years to come. “

On National Battery Day, people are encouraged to­­ take their old drained batteries to the recycling center rather than fill the landfill with them. It is also a chance to gather together your batteries in one place and test them. Doing so could save the earth and save jobs.

Recycling worn out batteries at a center rather than throwing them away is good for the environment. When batteries are no longer functional, they do have a destination. Simply throwing them away is a waste and pollutes our environment, but collecting them and taking them to a recycling center can show you care.