One day to celebrate being One

National Singles Awareness Day – February 15

Image by Jess Foami from Pixabay

Singles can celebrate alone or with others.

National Singles Awareness Day may not be an unofficial holiday, but it is a great time to celebrate Singles, those individuals without a significant other. It takes place on February 15, so that all of the hurt endured on being single on Valentine’s Day the day before can be forgotten.

National Singles Awareness Day celebrates and acknowledges that not everyone needs a lover to be happy and those who don’t have one can be just as content as those who do. It’s easy to forget in all of the hubbub of Valentine’s Day.

Not everyone is single by choice. National Singles Awareness Day can also celebrate those who have recently become single because of a breakup or another cause.

National Singles Awareness Day came about in 1999 when a student from Mississippi State University, Dustin Barnes, made the holiday with his friends back in high school, according to National Day Calendar.

While everyone can come up with his or her own way to celebrate, National Day Calendar suggests everyone, single and not, checks up and spends time with single friends, virtually of course, making sure that the single friend isn’t seen as a third wheel.

Single people are encouraged to celebrate by participating in whatever events are available to them in the area and to post of social media using the hashtag #SinglesAwarenessDay. Check out what’s going on in the Events section of